Early Career Interest Group
President’s Message
20yoW w/ FH of ovarian CA. What's your sound diagnosis?
Case courtesy of @martafloryMDrad, Stanford University #StanfordBodyRad
Resident and sonographer #SRU members, see details below on how to participate in the case contest. https://sru.org/join-now/
#Ultrasound #RadRes https://x.com/sruradiology/status/1887652558249861149/photo/1
Findings: Anechoic lesion w internal debris & through transmission & peripheral vascularity
Answer: Renal abscess
Case courtesy of @JanelleWelkie, PGY-4, at Penn State Health
See below on how to participate in the case contest.
#Ultrasound #RadRes https://x.com/sruradiology/status/1886927775203827807/photo/1
7 y/o, otherwise healthy, with febrile UTI . What is your sound diagnosis?
Case courtesy of @JanelleWelkie, PGY4 @ Penn State Health
Resident and sonographer #SRU members, see details below on how to participate in the case contest. https://sru.org/join-now/
#Ultrasound #RadRes https://x.com/sruradiology/status/1885115844658684407/photo/1
Findings: Solid, isoechoic nodule w/ macroCa & extrathyroid extension.
Answer: TR5, Malignancy (PTC).
Case courtesy of @ItaniMalak
Resident and sonographer #SRU members, see details below on how to participate in the case contest. https://sru.org/join-now/
#Ultrasound #RadRes https://x.com/sruradiology/status/1884391070240305419/photo/1
Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Foundation
The SRU Foundation (SRUF) is the 501(c) (3) arm of the SRU that provides funding for SRU consensus conferences and new in 2022, Early Career Research Grants. The conferences are a high-visibility way of promoting the role that radiology plays in promoting quality ultrasound, and help the society to further its mission to advance the science, practice, and teaching of ultrasound in radiology. SRUF funds come from member contributions. Please consider making a contribution to support the future of ultrasound in radiology.