Esteemed Members
and Distinguished Fellows,

Greetings from a very hot Arizona where every day seems to set a record in terms of highest recorded temperatures. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and is excited as the year continues its rapid advancement towards our annual meeting. As you would have seen on our website, the SRU annual meeting program has been finalized, and I suggest everyone complete their registrations and hotel room bookings before we run out of the allotted rooms at concession rate. I am happy to report that the corporate support for the meeting has been greater than ever, and this helps our society tremendously.

Feel free to reach out to Toni Ebra, our executive director, if you know somebody in the corporate world so that she can approach them for participation in our annual meeting. I am also thrilled to share with our membership that we will be having a scientific presentation session at our annual meeting for the second year running. We have received more than 30 abstract submissions, and the scientific committee, headed by Dr. Manjiri Dighe and Dr. Sherwin Chan, is working overtime to select the top submissions for oral presentations. For the submissions that are not selected for oral presentations, but are high quality, we hope to accommodate them in the format of digital posters.

Every year, the SRU executive board has the honor and the privilege to select members from our community for awards to be presented at the annual meeting. While historically these awards have been announced at the annual meeting, this year, the board has decided to make the announcement earlier. This early announcement helps friends and family of our awardees to formulate their travel plans. Watch for that announcement hitting your inboxes soon!

The SRU’s outreach effort to other societies and conferences is bearing some early success. SRU faculty will be representing the society at USCON 2024 in India and at EUROSON in Italy. Additionally, we have shaken hands with the Society of Abdominal Radiologists to provide an opportunity for our members to present at their meetings. We will reciprocate this gesture at our meeting in 2025. The SRU executive board and SRU outreach committee are exploring the possibility of establishing a formal SRU ambassador program that will allow us to create a pool of faculty from within our membership to represent us at national and international meetings. The vision is to create increased awareness of our society and the cutting edge work it does in the field of ultrasound within radiology.

To increase membership for our sonographers and scientists, the SRU website now includes an option for you to “gift a membership” to jump start their engagement with the society. The new SRU forum now resides within the SRU website with a single logon. Please interact with the new interface and let us know how we can improve the experience. I sincerely thank Maitray Patel for his leadership on this initiative. Once again, our heartfelt “thanks” to our members and fellows who have volunteered their time to serve on committees and as faculty for our annual meeting.

Warm regards, 

Nirvikar (Nirvi) Dahiya, MD, FSRU, FACR, FAIUM
SRU President