

OCT 14th
7:40 AM – 11:45 AM MST
Jason Wagner, MD
Theodora Potretzke, MD
IntroJason Wagner, MD
The Ergonomic Threat to the Art of UltrasoundMark Kliewer, MD
The Art of the ArtifactWilliam Middleton, MD
The Art of MSK UltrasoundJon Jacobson, MD
The Art of Gynecologic UltrasoundLori Strachowski, MD, FSRU
Intro of Keynote Speaker Lori Strachowski, MD, FSRU
The Art of Ultrasound/Ultrasound as an ArtVickie Feldstein, MD
Peds CEUSJudy Squires, MD
Art of CEUSStephanie Wilson, MD
Introduction of Peter BurnsAya Kamaya, MD
Better with BubblesPeter Burns, PhD
SRU Business Meeting Aya Kamaya, MD
OCT 14th
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM MST
Michelle Robbin, MD
Gowthaman Gunabushanam, MD
Vascular US: The IR PerspectiveGowthaman Gunabushanam, MD
Carotid Artery US: Not Just AtherosclerosisMarta Flory, 
Abdominal Aortic Ultrasound: Before and After EVARLauren Alexander, MD
Arterial Doppler: Cases That Don’t Fit the MoldJill Jones, MD
Break in Exhibit Hall 
Hemodialysis AVFs and Mapping for Percutaneous AVF CreationMichelle Robbin, MD
Venous Doppler of the Lower Extremities, Iliac and IVCMark Lockhart, MD
Liver DopplerLeslie Scoutt, MD
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM MST
Shuchi Rodgers, MD
David Fetzer, MD
Quantitative Chronic Liver Disease Assessment: Are we there yet?Deborah Rubens, MD
HCC Screening/Surveillance: Updates and Current EvidenceShuchi Rodgers, MD
Liver Doppler: The Unusual SuspectsGhaneh Fananapazir, MD
Spleen and Pancreas – Brothers, where art thou?Myra Feldman, MD
Break in Exhibit Hall 
G.I. Wish I Knew More: Updates on Bowel UltrasoundAlexandra Medellin, MD
Gallbladder Polyps: Implementation of SRU Consensus Committee GuidelinesAya Kamaya, MD
Acute Cholecystitis: It’s not so simple!Adrian Dawkins, MD
OCT 15th
*Each lecture is 30-minute long. Attendees can attend up to five workshop lectures regardless of the topics.
7:40 AM – 10:40 AM MST
Terry Desser, MD
Jade Wong-You-Cheong, MD
Training Students and Physicians in Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?John Pellerito, MD
The Disseminated Ultrasound Enterprise: Maintaining Image Quality and Interpretation Sophistication Across Various Levels of Technologist and Radiologist ExperienceMindy Horrow, MD
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Ultrasound: Will They Help with Diagnosis and Practice Efficiency?Manjiri Dighe, MD
Breaking Bad news}: Talking to Patients When The Picture is Not PrettyRoya Sohaey, MD
Sonographer Burnout and Turnover in the Covid Era and Beyond: Meaningful Interventions for Sonographer WellbeingPreethi Raghu, MD
7:40 AM – 10:40 AM MST
Jill Langer, MD
Carol Benson, MD
Challenges in Applying TIRADSMalak Itani, MD
Surveillance of the Post Thyroidectomy PatientSheila Sheth, MD
Non-Nodular Thyroid DiseaseJill Langer, MD
Parathyroid SonographyMitchell Tublin, MD
Salivary Glands and Other Neck MassesSharlene Teefey, MD
7:40 AM – 10:40 AM MST
Judy Squires, MD
Edward Oliver, MD
ceVUS: VUR and GU FistulasHarriet Paltiel, MD
Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: ATA and ACR TIRADS and Relevance To PedsJennifer Lim-Dunham, MD
Neonatal Bowel Ultrasound: Pylorus, Malrotation, Volvulus, and Necrotizing Enterocolitis Including CEUSAmi Gokli, MD
Vascular Compression Syndromes in Children: SMA, MALS, Nutcracker SyndromesErica Riedesel, MD
Imaging Work-up of Neonatal JaundiceHenrietta Rosenberg, MD
7:40 AM – 10:40 AM MST
Yoshimi Endo, MD
Kenny Nwawka, MD
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions: ShoulderYulia Melenevsky, MD
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions: ElbowOgonna Nwawka, MD
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions: Hand and WristLevon Nazarian, MD
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions: Hip and KneeSandra Allison, MD
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions: Foot and AnkleYoshimi Endo, MD
 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
Join the fun and match wits again the experts in challenging ultrasound cases! —  Hosts  —
Corinne Deurdulian, MD
David Fetzer, MD
—  Question Writers  —
Molly Roseland, MD
Kristin Rebik, MD
Maggie Zhang, MD
Kara Gill, MD
Jordan Swensson, MD
Mark Sugi, MD
— Contestants —
Mark Lockhart
Sheila Sheth
Ann Podrasky
Margarita Revzin
Hisham Tchelepi
…and a *Secret Contestant*
12:00 AM – 1:00 PM MST
*Not for CME
 Alexa Miller
OCT 15th
1:15 PM – 5:25 PM MST
Theodora Potretzke, MD
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
The Echogenic Renal MassJohn McGahan, MD
The Hypoechoic Renal MassDarcy Wolfman, MD
Renal TransplantMark Sugi, MD
Doppler GU Topics, Non TransplantUlrike Hamper, MD, MBA
Urinary Stone Disease in PregnancyAnne Kennedy, MB, BCh, BAO
GU CEUSDavid Fetzer, MD
Scrotal UltrasoundTheodora Potretzke, MD
US in Male InfertilityScott Young, MD
1:15 PM – 5:25 PM MST
Liina Poder, MD
Carol Benson, MD
O-RADS US: An Update and Validation TrialsCatherine Phillips, MD
Endometriosis And Adenomyosis SpectrumPriyanka Jha, MBBS
Pain and Bleeding in Early PregnancyPeter Doubilet, MD, PhD
Non-Obstetrical Ultrasound in The Pregnant Patient – Getting It Right
Anna Lev Toaff Lecture
Tara Morgan, MD, FSRU
Placenta Accreta SpectrumLiina Poder, MD
Abnormal Fetal Intracranial Fluid SpacesCarol Benson, MD
Fetal Abdominal Cysts – Focusing the DifferentialEdward Oliver, MD, PhD, FSRU, FAIUM
Fetal Lung Masses: From Diagnosis To OutcomeErika Rubesova, MD
OCT 16th
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
Lori Strachowski, MD
M. Jennings Clingan, MD
Neonatal HeadGrace Mitchell, MD, MBA
Head & NeckAnil Chauhan, MD
Soft Tissue Lump and BumpsLuyao Shen, MD
MSKHailey Choi, MD
GB/Biliary, Pancreas, SpleenKristin Rebik, DO
LiverCinthia Cruz-Romero, MD
Renal/AdrenalKanupriya Vijay, MD
Female Pelvis (Nonpregnant)M. Jennings Clingan, MD
1st TrimesterSanjiv Bajaj, MD
OBDorothy Shum, MD
ScrotumShital Gandhi, MD
VascularJavad Azadi, MD
IRBenjamin Strnad, MD
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
Jason Wagner, MD
Darcy Wolfman, MD
Vascular AbdominalMark Lockhart, MD, MPH
PediatricsJudy Squires, MD
Head & NeckMichelle Melany, MD, FSRU, FACR
MSKNirvikar Dahiya, MD
LiverHelena Gabriel, MD
Hernias and Groin USAnn Podrasky, MD
Renal CEUSRichard Barr, MD, PhD
Female Pelvis (Nonpregnant)Maitray Patel, MD
1st TrimesterStefanie Weinstein, MD
OB FetalMary Frates, MD
ScrotalDarcy Wolfman, MD
Vascular PeripheralLaurence Needleman, MD
IRJason Wagner, MD
  End of Session 

Keynote Address: “The Art of Ultrasound/Ultrasound as an Art” on Friday, October 14, 2022.

Vickie Feldstein MD is a Professor in the Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging at the University of California San Francisco. She graduated cum laude from Harvard College and received her medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School/Brown University Program in Medicine. Following residency and fellowship training at UCSF, Dr. Feldstein joined the faculty there in 1992. She has dedicated expertise and specific clinical focus in diagnostic ultrasound.  She specializes in the sonographic assessment of high-risk pregnancies, gynecologic conditions and applications of Doppler US. Much of her research efforts have been conducted in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team of colleagues at the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center.

In addition to dedication to the field of sonography, Dr. Feldstein has long been interested and involved with the visual arts. She served on the inaugural Art Committee at the UCSF Medical Center, Mission Bay and commissioned works of art installed there.

The keynote address “The Art of Ultrasound/Ultrasound as an Art” will consider ways in which this unique modality relies on images created by hand-held tools. Transducers are used to generate a picture and that picture is used to tell a story. Our diagnostic capabilities are enhanced when we optimize how we obtain, view and interpret sonographic images.

Vickie Feldstein MD is a Professor in the Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging at the University of California San Francisco. She graduated cum laude from Harvard College and received her medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School/Brown University Program in Medicine. Following residency and fellowship training at UCSF, Dr. Feldstein joined the faculty there in 1992. She has dedicated expertise and specific clinical focus in diagnostic ultrasound.  She specializes in the sonographic assessment of high-risk pregnancies, gynecologic conditions and applications of Doppler US. Much of her research efforts have been conducted in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team of colleagues at the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center.

In addition to dedication to the field of sonography, Dr. Feldstein has long been interested and involved with the visual arts. She served on the inaugural Art Committee at the UCSF Medical Center, Mission Bay and commissioned works of art installed there.

The keynote address “The Art of Ultrasound/Ultrasound as an Art” will consider ways in which this unique modality relies on images created by hand-held tools. Transducers are used to generate a picture and that picture is used to tell a story. Our diagnostic capabilities are enhanced when we optimize how we obtain, view and interpret sonographic images.

The Arts & Crafts of Ultrasound Specialists

(authors left to right: Deborah Levine, Mindy Horrow, Dahiya Nirvikar, Ed Bluth, Mark Sugi, Vickie Feldstein)

The theme of SRU 2022 is “Advancing the Art of Ultrasound.”  Ultrasound is a unique imaging modality in that sonologists and sonographers create images using special, selected hand-held tools. The “crafting” of an ultrasound image can be likened to other visual arts – where devices are used to generate a picture and that picture is used to tell a story.

Whether you are an artist, someone interested in art and/or someone interested in sponsoring research for junior ultrasound investigators, the Arts & Crafts of Ultrasound Specialists portion of the meeting will have something for you.

Sharing Art:  SRU members and fellows are invited to send in digital representations of their art.  We welcome and encourage your participation. Please submit the image(s) as PowerPoint slide(s) including your name and a small accompanying head shot. If you would like, please also include a title and brief description of the piece and/or the medium used. These submissions will be incorporated into slide sets that will be highlighted at the meeting.  We hope to prompt conversations about the creative process and spur discussions about art and artistry amongst the attendees.

Silent Auction: Fundraiser to support SRUF Early Career Research Grants.  SRU members and fellows are invited to consider donating a piece of their art for our silent auction. If you are willing to donate your work for this good cause, you will receive acknowledgement of your donation.  The silent auction will run from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon. We strongly encourage you to donate your works of art and crafts – and welcome active participation in this effort.  The money raised via the silent auction of donated pieces will be earmarked for the SRU Foundation Early Career Research Grants.

What does SRU mean by “art”? Art is whatever you think it is!  For our purposes:

  • Arts & Crafts: Painting, drawing, photography, mixed media collage, jewelry, quilting, ceramics.  If it is a creation and you made it – it’s art and we welcome it.
  • Digital Display of Arts & Crafts: Slide submission (no audio component) will be used for display.  Stay tuned for the next SRU newsletter with further details regarding image size and format, and how best to watermark and protect your images.
  • Silent Auction: Art pieces will be displayed at the annual meeting. Set up will be begin on Thursday, with the final set up Friday morning and the auction ending on Saturday noon. Payments, above the stated value of the art, are tax-deductible donations to the SRU Foundation.



SAM Answers

MIT Posters

2022 MIT Poster Winners

Scientific Exhibits:

WINNER: Ragheed Al-Dulani, MD, MPH

Utility of Microvascular Doppler Imaging in Acute Cholecystitis

RUNNER UP: Ryan Morrison

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Tumor Therapy with Abdominal Imaging Transducer

Educational Exhibits:

WINNER: Kelly von Beck

Wash Away Your Troubles with Bubbles: Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Guided Procedures

RUNNER UP: Sindhasra Tadisetty

Use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in Pre-Transplant Assessment of Focal Kidney Lesions

MIT Poster Info

Members-in-training are encouraged to submit abstracts for electronic posters that will be available for meeting attendees to review, with an opportunity to discuss the content of those posters during designated times during the meeting. These electronic posters will be presented in PDF format and available to attendees using the SRU meeting application. Abstract submissions will be reviewed by the SRU Research Committee to ensure quality and suitability for the SRU Annual Meeting.

For many residents, these posters enable them to attend the meeting with travel support from their residencies; for attendees, these posters are an excellent addition to the learning opportunities at the meeting.

(Program Directors, Department Chairs, Section Chiefs, and Attendings, please encourage your residents to submit an abstract. Please share this information with your colleagues.)

(Abstracts accepted for presentation give the authors an opportunity to network with leaders in the field and an opportunity to discuss their research.)

(Acceptance of a poster for the SRU annual meeting does not preclude its submission elsewhere.)

Electronic scientific and/or educational abstracts submissions will be due September 1, 2022 (past due)

Special Lunch Event

Saturday, October 15th @12 – 1 pm MST

“Art and the Radical Act of Diagnostic Excellence and Lunch”

*Not for CME

This lively, interactive workshop centers the practice at the core of medical imaging: the collaborative art of careful visual inspection. Increasingly, that practice occurs alongside patients and family members, and with other specialists, clinical team members, and trainees — leaving many radiologists and sonographers to improvise beyond their training. This workshop fills the gap with a sequence of arts-based exercises designed to surface and reinforce key principles of careful observation, diagnostic teamwork, and patient-centered approaches. Featuring an adapted version of the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) methodology used increasingly in health professional training, the session will also include a brief overview of literature, tools for practice and teaching, and reflection. Join us to look at art together, enhance capacity, seed innovation, and talk about medicine’s most sacred art — seeing patients.


$25 fee for boxed lunch

Alexa Miller

A teacher of health humanities for two decades, Alexa Miller is an expert in diagnosis and uncertainty, and a leading facilitator/coach in the Visual Thinking Strategies method for experiential learning in visual art. She brings seminars and trainings in uncertainty competence, team-work, and patient experience to universities and healthcare systems internationally through her company, ArtsPractica. As an original co-creator of Harvard Medical School's program Training the Eye: Improving the Art of Physical Diagnosis, she contributed to research on the impact of art on medical cognition. Her work is featured in Dr. Brian Goldman’s 2022 book The Power of Teamwork: How We Can All Work Better Together.


Hotel Information


16th Street, Phoenix AZ 85020



By Phone: Direct call 1-602-997-2626

Or call 1-800-Hiltons (445-8667) and mention the group code SRU (Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound)

By Online: link expired

Reserve by September 10th to get the SRU meeting special rate!

What To Expect During Your Stay

We are committed to providing a safe, enjoyable experience from check-in to check-out. Please check with regional health and government authorities about specific policies that may be in place at the location of your stay.

Available: Business Center, Concierge, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Pool, Spa.
Available but with modified service: On-site Restaurant(s).
Temporarily not available: Room Service, Valet Parking.

Learn more

SRU Statement of Inclusivity

The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) is committed to creating and maintaining a supportive inclusive society and celebrates the diversity of its membership.
Individual differences, lived experiences, knowledge, self-expression, talents, and capabilities of its members collectively add to and enhance the community within SRU.
The society encourages participation by all and aims to make all who attend feel welcome.

The society will continue to strive to host programs and conduct activities where all participants feel welcome and accepted. As an organization and as individuals, we value discovery, education, collaboration, and mutual respect.

(Draft September 2022)

CME Information

CME available in this meeting

2022 SRU Annual Meeting: Advancing the Art and Science of Ultrasound 

Friday, October 14, 2022 – Sunday, October 16, 2022 

Physician Accreditation Statement 

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The American College of Radiology and the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound. The American College of Radiology is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians 

Learning Objectives

1. Review sonographic findings that can be easily misinterpreted or measured incorrectly and provide strategies for improved patient care.

2. Discuss emergent sonographic findings of ultrasound abnormalities throughout the body. 

3. Discuss the most effective uses of contrast enhanced ultrasound in the performance of diagnostic and interventional procedures. 

4. Recognize the various uses of ultrasound. 

Instructions to Receive Credit: 

In order to successfully claim credit for the activity, participants must log-in to HighMarks (https://www.highmarksce.com/acr/sru/index.cfm?do=cnt.page&pg=1002), complete an activity evaluation, and claim credit commensurate with their participation in the activity. Participants have until January 20, 2023, to claim credit for the 2022 SRU Annual Meeting.

Physician Credit Designation Statement 

The American College of Radiology designates this live activity for a maximum of 19.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Contact Information 

For information about the accreditation of this program, please contact the ACR at info@acr.org


Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

The ACR Disclosure Policy:  The American College of Radiology (ACR) adheres to the policies and guidelines, including the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited CE, set forth to providers by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), stating those activities where continuing education credits are awarded must be balanced, independent, objective, and scientifically rigorous. All persons in a position to control the content of an accredited continuing education program provided by ACR are required to disclose all financial relationships with any ineligible company within the past 24 months.  All financial relationships reported are identified as relevant and mitigated by ACR in accordance with the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited CE in advance of delivery of the activity to learners. The content of this activity was vetted by ACR to assure objectivity and that the activity is free of commercial bias.  All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated by ACR.

The following planners, managers and reviewers have no relevant financial relationships to disclose:

Jason Wagner, MD; Theodora Potretzke, MD; Carol Benson, MD; M. Jennings Clingan, MD; Terry Dessner, MD; Corinne Deurdulian, MD; Yoshimi Endo, MD; Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD; David Fetzer, MD; Gowthaman Gunabushanam, MD; Jill Langer, MD; Ogonna Nwawka, MD; Edward Oliver, MD; Liina Poder, MD; Michelle Robbin, MD; Shuchi Rodgers, MD; Judy Squires, MD; Lori Strachowski, MD; Darcy Wolfman, MD; Jade Wong-You-Cheong, MD; Michele Wittling; Heerak Kim; Alexis LaCount; Polina Petrovic, MD

The planners and managers have the following identified relevant financial relationships:

David Fetzer, MD

Consulting Fee: Philips Healthcare; Contracted Research: Philips Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers


Michelle Robbin, MD

Contracted Research: Philips Medical

The following moderators have no relevant financial relationships to disclose:

Carol Benson, MD; M. Jennings Clingan, MD; Terry Dessner, MD; Yoshimi Endo; Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD; Gowthaman Gunabushanam; Jill Langer, MD; Edward Oliver, MD; Liina Poder, MD; Theodora Potretzke; Michelle Robbin, MD; Shuchi Rodgers, MD; Judy Squires, MD; Lori Strachowski, MD; Jason Wagner; Darcy Wolfman, MD; Jade Wong-You-Cheong, MD

The moderators have the following identified relevant financial relationships:

David Fetzer, MD

Consulting Fee, Contracted Reasearch: GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare

Contracted Research: Siemens Healthineers


Ogonna Kenechi Nwawka

Other: GE Healthcare (research grant)


Michelle Robbin, MD

Contracted Research: Philips Medical


The following faculty members have no relevant financial relationships to disclose:

Lauren Alexander; Javad Azadi; Carol Benson; Sanjiv Bajaj; Peter Burns; Anil Chauhan; Hailey Choi; M. Jennings Clingan; Cinthia Cruz-Romero; Nirvi Dahiya; Adrian Dawkins; Peter Doubilet; Yoshimi Endo; Ghaneh Fananapazir; Myra Feldman; Vickie Feldstein; Marta Flory; Mary Frates; Helena Gabriel; Shital Gandhi; Ami Gokli; Gowthaman Gunabushanam; Ulrike Hamper; Mindy Horrow; Malak Itani; Jon Jacobson; Priyanka Jha; Aya Kamaya; Anne Kennedy; Mark Kliewer; Jill Langer; Jennifer Lin-Dunham; Mark Lockhart; John McGahan; Alex Medellin; Michelle Melany; Yulia Melenevsky; Bill Middleton; Grace Mitchell; Tara Morgan; Levon Nazarian; Larry Needleman; Edward Oliver; Harriet Paltiel; Maitray Patel; Catherine Phillips; Liina Poder; Ann Podrasky; Theodora Potretzke; Preethi Raghu; Kristin Rebik; Erica Riedesel; Shuchi Rodgers; Henrietta Rosenberg; Deb Rubens; Erika Rubesova; Luyao Shen; Dorothy Shum; Roya Sohaey; Judy Squires; Lori Strachowski; Ben Strnad; Mark Sugi; Shari Teefey; Mitch Tublin; Kanupriya Vijay; Jason Wagner; Stephanie Weinstein; Stephanie Wilson; Darcy Wolfman; Scott Young

The faculty members (speakers, etc.) have the following identified relevant financial relationships:

Sandra Allison

Consulting Fee: Phillips Medical Systems


Richard Barr

Contracted Research: Philips, Siemens, Canon, Samsung, Mindray, Hologic

Speakers’ Bureau: Philips, Siemens, Canon, Samsung, Mindray, Hologic


Manji Dighe

Honoraria: Philips Medical Imaging (grant), General Electric Healthcare (grant)


David Fetzer

Consulting Fee, Contracted Research: GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare

Contracted Research: Siemens Healthineers


Jill Jones

Consulting Fee: Corcept Therapeutics


Ogonna Kenechi Nwawka

Other: GE Healthcare (research grant)


John Pellerito

Consulting Fee: GE Healthcare


Michelle Robbin

Contracted Research: Philips Medical


Leslie Scoutt

Honoraria: Philips Healthcare


Sheila Sheth

Honoraria: Philips Healthcare